legal knowledge base

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The Blog 

 Scire Licet serves as a legal knowledge base for law students and those who are simply interested in the law. Contents are mostly case digests, law primers and notes designed as memory aids. Politics and news & current events may be touched upon but are not the main focus. This is not an opinion blog.

Scire Licet is a latin term, meaning "it is permitted to know." It is often shortened to scilicet, meaning "to wit" or "namely." It means the same as viz and is indicated with the symbol "S.S"


Scire Licet is currently being revamped and will soon be updated on a daily basis. Stay tuned.


Scire Licet was created on April 17, 2008 and is an off-shoot of an old, largely personal blog of a law student with varied interests, From the Mind of a Twit. The decision to create a separate legal blog (or blawg, as they are now called) was spurred by the need for more concentrated effort to provide legal knowledge and general awareness of what the law is, not just to law students, but to the public in general.

The blog went on unofficial hiatus in 2012 but will soon pick up where it left off. Stay tuned.

The Blogger 

Jo Feliz Marie M. dela Calzada 

Admitted to the Bar April 29, 2010
2009 Bar Exam Passer
LLB, University of San Jose - Recoletos
AB Mass Communication major in Journalism, University of San Jose - Recoletos


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